Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Week 3


Now on week 3 of my training and no med plan. Average blood glucose levels have dropped from an average of 16.2mmol/L to 11.3mmol/L – still have some way to go, but a step in the right direction. First day was 23.6mmol/L – hence feeling a little chuffed!

Still awaiting the call from the doctor regarding my liver enzymes, I can wait. I know the prognosis – stop drinking. It’s not that I drink much anyway, but zero may be better.

Had to deal with multiple self-harm incidents at work today. Then experts tell me not to get stressed, which is impossible when I have to call parents and tell them that their child wants to die. If they enjoy pain and suffering why not send them to peddle Jiggers Bank on a fixed wheel? That should hurt. I don’t understand the need, when I was a kid in the 1970s avoiding harm from others was a major lifegoal, hurting oneself was no something on the agenda.

This week the training plan will ramp up to include a longer weekend ride. This should be a real indicator of my health and fitness levels. Then next week the cycle to work starts.

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